Working Translations

What is the Anarchist Entente? (1928)

Each tendency makes its own propaganda, each association functioning as it sees fit, each paper expounding its specific claims. No polemics between persons or tendencies. Neither shop competition nor struggles to monopolize. Neither absorption, nor fusion, nor confusion. To each its place its place in the sun, its tactics, its path and its pace, its achievements and its experiences, provided that it does not entail recourse to the State or to governmental sanctions. Peace among us and war to the archists. […]

egoist anarchism

John Henry Mackey, “L’Œuvre de Max Stirner: L’Unique et sa propriété”

Qu’est-ce que L’unique et sa propriété ?  — Que nous apporte ce livre ? — Où résident sa grandeur, son importance, son immoralité ? — En un mot, quel est le secret de la puissance qu’il exerce « sur nous » ?

A toutes ces questions, l’œuvre elle-même est la seule qui peut naturellement donner une réponse adéquate. Seule son étude approfondie et réitérée peut nous en approcher, et rien ne saurait et ne doit remplacer et ce travail et cette jouissance. […]

Working Translations

Marius Jean, “The Anarchists’ Ideal” (1929)

As a passionate lover of truth, beauty and liberty, the anarchist struggles for the establishment of an environment within which individuals would be free from all constraint and all authority outside of themselves, an environment in which each individual could rid themselves of all the metaphysical ideas to which, even today, they feel bound to sacrifice themselves. […]

Working Translations

Maurice Imbard, “O Anarchy!!!” (1928)

Ah! that word anarchy appeared to me for a long time, in the days of my youth, as a sort of myth.

The change that has occurred in my mindset has not changed my opinion on the grandeur of the word and the beauty of the thing. My aim is still and always to work, to struggle, to hasten the coming of the anarchist life—a life without authority, without obligation, without brutality; a gentle, tolerant, normal, natural life, where people will learn to understand one another. […]