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hors du troupeau — relays & reconstructions
The song remains the same — more or less. All of the various tracks that will make up relays & reconstructions are instances of a single composition assembled in Wotja, the generative music software I’ve been using on most of the hors du troupeau tracks. But because the software introduces gradual and partially random development into the composition as it unfolds, the sameness is relative — particularly as that development is allowed to continue. So, in order to explore the extent and character of that development it has made sense to allow the development to continue hour after hour, but also to record multiple instances of a “single” composition at similar lengths, both as audio files and as midi files. […]
Guinea-Pig Fleet — Fire Raids (2022 Deconstruction)
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Guinea-Pig Fleet — Hiroshima Tattoo (2021 Reconstruction)
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