Entries from the
Anarchist Encyclopedia
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INIMITIÉ n. f. (du latin in, non ; amicitia, amitié) Sentiment de malveillance, de haine, antipathie, aversion, rancune. Inimitié grande, ancienne, vieille, profonde, enracinée, irréconciliable, vindicative, héréditaire. « Les inimitiés sont très dangereuses chez un peuple libre » (Montesquieu).
Inimitié s’oppose à rancune, en ce sens qu’inimitié exprime ordinairement un sentiment ennemi déclaré, et rancune un mauvais vouloir dissimulé. L’inimitié n’exclut pas la dignité, la noblesse ; la rancune renferme la faiblesse, la lâcheté, la bassesse.
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ENMITY n. (From the Latin in, non; amicitia, amity) Feeling of malice, of hatred, antipathy, aversion, rancor. Great, ancient, old, profound, deep-rooted, irreconcilable, vindictive or hereditary enmity. “Enmities are very dangerous among a free people.” (Montesquieu).
Enmity is opposed to rancor, in the sense that enmity ordinarily expresses a hostility that has been declared, and rancor concealed ill will. Enmity does not exclude dignity, nobility; rancor incorporates weakness, cowardice, meanness.
Working Translation by Shawn P. Wilbur.