Utopian and Scientific

Notes on Simon Ganneau (the Mapah) and Evadaisme

We notice the death in Paris, a short time ago, of M. Ganneau. To most of our readers this obscure name will awaken no recollections; yet M. Ganneau had thought himself preordained to great things—and had some years ago drawn on himself no small share of public attention in Paris. At a period when new sects were springing up on all sides—when Mormons were crossing the Rocky Mountains, and “unknown tongues” were flourishing in England—he was the founder—we should say, the inventor—of a new religion; which he named “Evadaisme,” and of which he was—to use his own term—the “Mapah.” […]


Panarchy (notes)

PANARCHY (pa-nar-chî from prefix pan, and the Greek archê, command). Political. Government of all, absence of delegated authority: PANARCHY is the honest name of anarchy. PANARCHY, pantocracy or community is naturally produced by the death of the monarch or head of the family. (Proudhon.) […]

Corvus Editions

Corvus Editions: Anarchistic Frontiers

I am not sure there is any way forward but to gather together the fruits of the last couple of decades or research and present them for use, as if there was an audience ready and willing to use them. And since we’re talking about works deemed insufficiently commercial even for the niches filled by anarchist publishers and academic presses, the way to do that is through print-on-demand volumes. So the next phase of the Corvus Edition story involves a line of collections published through Lulu. […]

Working Translations

Elisée Reclus, “The Anarchist” (1902)

By definition, the anarchist is the free man, [1] the one who has no master. The ideas that he professes are indeed his own through reasoning. His will, springing from the understanding of things, focuses on a clearly defined aim; his acts are the direct realization of his individual intent. Alongside those who devoutly repeat the words of others or the traditional saying, who make their being bend and conform to the caprice of a powerful individual, or, what is still more grave, to the oscillations of the crowd, he alone is a man, he alone is conscious of his value in the face of all these spineless and inconsistent things that dare not live their own lives. […]

Working Translations

What is the Anarchist Entente? (1928)

Each tendency makes its own propaganda, each association functioning as it sees fit, each paper expounding its specific claims. No polemics between persons or tendencies. Neither shop competition nor struggles to monopolize. Neither absorption, nor fusion, nor confusion. To each its place its place in the sun, its tactics, its path and its pace, its achievements and its experiences, provided that it does not entail recourse to the State or to governmental sanctions. Peace among us and war to the archists. […]

egoist anarchism

John Henry Mackey, “L’Œuvre de Max Stirner: L’Unique et sa propriété”

Qu’est-ce que L’unique et sa propriété ?  — Que nous apporte ce livre ? — Où résident sa grandeur, son importance, son immoralité ? — En un mot, quel est le secret de la puissance qu’il exerce « sur nous » ?

A toutes ces questions, l’œuvre elle-même est la seule qui peut naturellement donner une réponse adéquate. Seule son étude approfondie et réitérée peut nous en approcher, et rien ne saurait et ne doit remplacer et ce travail et cette jouissance. […]

Han Ryner

Han Ryner (1861-1938)

Working Translations: Han Ryner, “The Revolt of the Machines“ (1896) Han Ryner, “A Transition” (“The Secret of Don Juan”) (1897) (FR/EN) Han Ryner, “Duel upon Duel” (“The Penny-Pincher”) (1899) (FR/EN) Han Ryner, “The Paradox” (1915) […]