Joshua King Ingalls, bibliography update

[NOTE: The most current version of the Joshua King Ingalls bibliography can be found at the Libertarian Labyrinth archive.]

Here’s an updated bibliography of works by, about and in response to Joshua King Ingalls, consisting primarily of items I have in hand. I’m sharing this more as an indication of progress being made on the first Ingalls Lab Report volume than as a finished project. It is far from finished, which is fairly good news, given the quality of Ingalls’ contributions to the literature. I have yet to begin with his contributions to The Word, Fair Play, the Univercoelum, Social Science, Irish World, or any of a number of lesser-known papers to which he scattered contributions. Expect another update soon.

I’ve highlighted in blue a couple of items I have not yet tracked down.

  • [material in The Landmark, 1848]
  • Joshua King Ingalls, [review of Edward Kellogg, Labor and Other Capital, pt. 1], The Univercoelum, April 21, 1849.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, [review of Edward Kellogg, Labor and Other Capital, pt. 2], The Univercoelum, April 28, 1849.
  • J. K. I., “Creed,” Spirit of the Age, I, 1 (July15, 1849), 11-12.
  • J. K. I., “Grave of the Landless,” Spirit of the Age, I, 8 (August 25, 1849), 113.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Man and Property, their Rights and Relations,” Spirit of the Age, I, 8 (August 25, 1849), 114-116.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Man and His Rights,” Spirit of the Age, I, 9 (September 1, 1849), 130-131.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Property and Its Rights,” Spirit of the Age, I, 10 (September 8, 1849), 146-8.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Relations, Existing and Natural, between Man and Property,” Spirit of the Age, I, 16 (October 20, 1849), 243-246.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Books—Their Sphere and Influence,” Spirit of the Age, I, 24 (December 15, 1849), 369-371.
  • —, —, [reproduced in a letter from John Cushing], Liberator, Apr 16, 1852, 6.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Method of Transition for the Consideration of the True Friends of Human Rights and Human Progress,” Spirit of the Age, I, 25 (December 22, 1849), 385-387.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Motives to Duty,” Spirit of the Age, II, 3 (January 19, 1850), 42-43.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “The Co-operative Brotherhood,” Spirit of the Age, II, 4 (January 26, 1850), 56-7.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “A Practical Movement for Transition,” Spirit of the Age, II, 13 (March 30, 1850), p. 202-4.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Photography,” American People’s Journal of Science, Literature, and Art, Jan 1850; 1, 1; pg. 42-44.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “The Exodus of Labor,” The Shekinah, Vol. 1, 1852, p. 363-369.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “The Power of Right,” The Spiritual Age, I (September 12, 1857), 77-78. [date given incorrectly in Martin as 1875]
  • Francis Barry, “From Francis Barry to J. K. Ingalls,” The Optimist, and Kingdom of Heaven, 3 (June 1867), 3.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “The Power of Money to Acumulate Value by Interest,” The Revolution, December 24, 1868, 396-7.
  • Labor, Wages, And Capital. Division Of Profits Scientifically Considered,” Brittan’s Quarterly Journal, I (1873), 66-79.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, ???, The Word, II (May, 1873), 3;
  • Joshua King Ingalls, ???, The Word, II (September, 1873), 1-2.
  • S. B. Brittan, “J. K. Ingalls,” Brittan’s Quarterly Journal, Vol. II (1874), No. 2, pp. 275-6.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, ???, The Word, V (July, 1876) 1-2.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Land Reform: the Only Logical Solution to the Labor Question,” The Word, V (August, 1876), 1.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Labor, Land, and Finance Reforms,” The Word, V (December, 1876), 1.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “More About the Liberal Club,” The American Socialist, May 24, 1877; 2, 21; 163
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “The Wage Question,” The American Socialist, Sep 20, 1877; 2, 38; 298.
  • editor, “Reply To Mr. Ingalls,” The American Socialist, Sep 20, 1877; 2, 38; 300.
  • National Reform Association, Land and labor, their relations in nature how violated by monopoly, Princeton MA, 1877. [ILL]
  • Joshua King Ingalls, Periodical business crises. New York : Liberator (Co-operative) Print. and Pub. Co., 1878. 12 pages. [LOC, AAS]
  • Joshua King Ingalls, Work and wealth. Reprinted from “The Radical Review“. New York, the Author, 1878(?). 13 pages.
  • —, —. Boston, B.R. Tucker, 1881. 13 pages.
  • The Proceedings and Addresses at the Freethinkers’ Convention Held at Watkins, N. Y., August 22d, 23d, 24th, and 25th, ‘78 (New York: D. M. Bennett, 1878): 5-25.
  • Ezra H. Heywood, ???, The Word, VII (April, 1880), 2.
  • Ezra H. Heywood, ???, The Word, VII (May, 1880), 3 [possibly 5/1882]
  • Joshua King Ingalls, Work and wealth : an essay on the economics of socialism. London : International Pub. Co., 1881. 12 pages.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Positive Limitation of Property,” The Word, IX (March, 1881), 1.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Henry George Examined,” Liberty, Oct 14, 1882; 2, 1; 5.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, Henry George examined : should land be nationalized or individualized? New York City : Published by the author, 1882. [reprint from Liberty, ] 16 pages.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Land Limitation and Taxation,” Liberty, Nov 25, 1882; 2, 4; pg. 3.
  • [The Word, X (October, 1882), 1.]
  • Joshua King Ingalls, Social wealth: the sole factors and exact ratios in its acquirement and apportionment. New York : Social Science Pub. Co., 1885. 320 pages.
  • —, —. New York, The Truth Seeker Company, 1885. vi, [7]-320 pages.
  • Edgeworth, “Economic Fallacies,” Liberty, Dec 26, 1885; 3, 20; pg. 8.
  • Edgeworth, “Land Nationalization,” Liberty, Jan 23, 1886; 3, 22; pg. 8.
  • Benjamin R. Tucker, “On Picket Duty,” Liberty, Jul 17, 1886; 4, 6; pg. 1. [William Rowe obit]
  • Joshua King Ingalls, Economic equities : a compend of the natural laws of industrial production and exchange. New York : Truth Seeker Co., 1887. 63 pages.
  • ???, [biographical sketch], Social Science, I (September 28, 1887), 2-3.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “The Productivity of Capital,” Social Science, I (October 5, 1887),12-13.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Social Science,” Social Science, I, 39 (October 19, 1887), 8.
  • J. K. I., “Was this George’s doing?” Liberty, Dec 3, 1887; 5, 9; pg. 5.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, [“Land Reform” – see Liberty entry below], The Truth Seeker, April 28, 1888, p. 258.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, [“Land Reform” – see Liberty entry below], The Truth Seeker, May 5, 1888, p. 278.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Land Reform in 1848 and 1888,” Liberty, Jun 9, 1888; 5, 22; pg. 5 [excerpts from 2-part article in the Truth Seeker]
  • Benjamin R. Tucker, [editorial note], Liberty, Jun 23, 1888; 5, 23; pg. 5 [JKI announces “Industrial Economy Lectures, lives in Glenora, NY]
  • J. K. Ingalls, “An Open Letter,” The Woman’s Tribune, Vol. 5, No. 50, November 3, 1888, p. 2-3. [to Francis E. Willard, W.C.T.U. Editorial note on p. 4]
  • [Fair Play, I (January 19, 1889),4.]
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Woman’s Industrial Subjection.—No. 1.—Its Origin,” The Woman’s Tribune, February 23, 1889, p. 82.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Woman’s Industrial Subjection.—No. 2.—Its Gradual Development Under Governments of Force,” The Woman’s Tribune, March 23, 1889, p. 114-5.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Woman’s Industrial Subjection.—No. 3.—In Relation to Land Ownership,” The Woman’s Tribune, April 20, 1889, p. 147.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Woman’s Industrial Subjection.—No. 4.—In Exchanges of Labor and its Product,” The Woman’s Tribune, May 18, 1889, p. 174.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Land and Taxation,” The Woman’s Tribune, June 1, 1889, p. 186-7.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Are We Lazy?” The Woman’s Tribune, September 7, 1889, p. 241.
  • J. K. Ingalls, [letter], The Woman’s Tribune, September 21, 1889, p. 255.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Increase: Economic or Tributary,” Liberty, Oct 5, 1889; 6, 21; 6
  • Benjamin R. Tucker, “On Picket Duty,” Liberty, Jun 7, 1890; 7, 3; 1
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Money Reform without Land Reform,” Twentieth Century, October 16, 1890, 5-6.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Radical Social Science,” Twentieth Century, November 13, 1890, 6-7.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Government Protection,” Twentieth Century, December 25, 1890, 13.
  • [Fair Play, II (March 2,1890), 64-65; Fair Play, III (March 1891), 182-184; Fair Play, III (March, 1891), 211-214.]
  • J. K. Ingalls, Social industry, or, The sole source of increase. Sioux City, Iowa : Printed for the Author by Fair Play Pub. Co., 1891. 11 pages.
  • J. K. Ingalls, The unrevealed religion : an address delivered in Union Hall, Glenora, New York, January, 1891. Sioux City, Iowa : Printed for the author by Fair Play Pub. Co., 1891. 24 pages.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Earned and Unearned Increase,” Twentieth Century, January 8, 1891, 6-7.
  • “Land Reform and Money Reform,” Liberty, February 7, 1891; 7, 21; 1
  • Benjamin R. Tucker, “On Picket Duty,” Liberty, Feb 7, 1891; 7, 21; 1
  • Benjamin R. Tucker, “On Picket Duty,” Liberty, February 21, 1891; 7, 22; 1
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Another Consistent Anti-Monopolist,” Liberty, February 21, 1891; 7, 22; 3
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Economic Equivoques,” Twentieth Century, March 5, 1891, 5.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Reminiscences of Francis M. Smith,” Twentieth Century, April 16, 1891, 13-14.
  • J. W. S[ullivan]., [notice of J. K. Ingalls, The Unrevealed Religion], Twentieth Century, May 28, 1891, 15.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “A Plain Demand,” Twentieth Century, June 11, 1891, 14.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Terms with Many Meanings,” Twentieth Century, June 15, 1891, 5.
  • J. K. Ingalls, review of J. Wilson, “Radical Wrongs, in the Practices and Precepts of Civilized Man,” Twentieth Century, December 10, 1891, 16.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “What Is Economic Rent?Twentieth Century, Vol. 9, No. 26, December 29, 1892, p. 6-8.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “The Two Rents Contrasted,” Twentieth Century, February 9, 1893, p. 5-6.
  • “The Sociological Index,” Liberty, Feb 18, 1893; 9, 25; pg. 4 [notice of JKI, “The Two Rents Contrasted,” Twentieth Century, Feb 9, 1893.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Shifting the Land Value Tax,” Twentieth Century, March 9, 1893, p. 7-9.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Taxation, What it Is and on Whom it Falls,” Twentieth Century, April 6, 1893, p. 4-5.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Two Object Lessons in Equity,” Liberty, May 20, 1893; 9, 38; pg. 3
  • T, “A New Conception of Interest,” Liberty, Jun 10, 1893; 9, 41; pg. 3
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Interest Just and Unjust,” Liberty, Jun 10, 1893; 9, 41; pg. 1
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Forecasts of the Land Question,” Twentieth Century, August 3, 1893, 4-7.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Paper Money,” Twentieth Century, September 14, 1893.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “The Laborer and the Capitalist,” Twentieth Century, August 3, 1893, 7-8.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Finance and Legislation,” Twentieth Century, December 14, 1893, 8-9.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Can Economic Factors Be Exchanged?Twentieth Century, January 4, 1894, 8-9.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Facts and Fallacies in Finance,” Twentieth Century, January 18, 1894, 4-7.
  • Hugo Bilgram, “Interest is Unjust,” Liberty, Mar 10, 1894; 9, 48; pg. 11
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Property Rights in Debt and Contract,” Twentieth Century, April 12, 1894, 8-9.
  • I. K. Ingalls [sic], [letter], The Woman’s Tribune, Vol. 11, No. 23, May 12, 1894, p. 91.
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Legal Enforcement of Contracts,” Twentieth Century, May 17, 1894, 9-10.
  • I. K. Ingalls [sic], “Legal Enforcement of Contracts,” Union Pacific Employes Magazine, Vol. IX, No. 9, June, 1894, p. 142-3. [reprint from Twentieth Century]
  • Joshua King Ingalls, [letter], Twentieth Century, XII, 24 (June 7, 1894), 13-14.
  • Benjamin R. Tucker, “On Picket Duty,” Liberty, Nov 17, 1894; 10, 14; pg. 1 [JKI on Lucifer]
  • T, “Narrowing the Issue,” Liberty, Dec 15, 1894; 10, 16; pg. 2
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Unescapable Interest,” Liberty, Dec 15, 1894; 10, 16; pg. 4
  • T, “Narrowing the Interest Issue,” Liberty, Jan 26, 1895; 10, 19; pg. 4
  • J. K. I., “Judicial Encroachment,” Liberty, Jan 26, 1895; 10, 19; 6.
    Joshua King Ingalls, “The Interest Question Narrowed to a Point,” Liberty, Mar 9, 1895; 10, 22; pg. 4
  • T, “The Vanishing Point Reached,” Liberty, May 4, 1895; 10, 26; pg. 4
  • Joshua King Ingalls, “Point of the Interest Question,” Liberty, May 4, 1895; 10, 26; pg. 6
  • Benjamin R. Tucker, [editorial note], Liberty, Mar 21, 1896; 11, 23; pg. 4. [final, derisive mention of Ingalls in Liberty]
  • Joshua King Ingalls, Reminiscences of an octogenarian in the fields of industrial and social reform. New York : M.L. Holbrook ; London : L.N. Fowler, 1897. viii, [3]-198 pages.
  • [16 letters in Joseph Ishill collection, Harvard]


  • 8,487, Nov 4, 1851, Radiating-Surface (Steam-Heater)
  • 11,227, July 4, 1854, Catch for Vault-Covers
  • 14,456, March 18, 1856, Illuminating-Grating
  • 15,113, June 10, 1856, Metal Beam (Bridge Girder)
  • 53,829, April 10, 1866, Improvement in Oil-Tanks
  • ?????, May 7, 1872, Metallic Grating
  • 134,062, December 17, 1872, Improvement in Vault-Covers
  • 146,074, December 30, 1873, Improvement in Illuminating Vault-Covers
  • 170,567, November 30, 1875, Improvement in Vault-Covers
  • 226, 615, April 20, 1880, Game-Board
  • 258,232, May 23, 1882, Illuminating Tile
  • 261,720, July 25, 1882, Illuminating Tile
  • 271,854, February 6, 1883, Illuminating Roofs, &c.
  • assignee of Seth H. Ingalls, 39446, August 4, 1863, Improvement in Oil-Tanks
  • witness to William Turton, 8811, March 16, 1852, Hot-Air Register
  • witness to Michael J. McCormick, 38788, June 2, 1863, Improvement in Mode of Ventillating and Illuminating Risers
About Shawn P. Wilbur 2703 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.