The new Libertatia Lab Reports

I’m guessing very few people will even notice, but my old “general” blog, Libertatia Lab Reports, has made its final journey to the bit-bucket. I used it very little, and not particularly effectively. If you were one of the three or four people who read the old Reports blog, or you want to start keeping tabs on my more general thoughts, my MySpace blog, The Alphabet Conspiracy, is the place to go. It’s everything the other should have been, but never was.

There will, however, be more Libertatia Lab Reports. I’m launching a new print zine, starting sometime in January.

LIBERTATIA LABORATORIES: REPORT 1 will set the pattern for the series, which I hope to keep on a monthly basis. The new Report will be part personal zine, part Mutualist Book of the Month Club, and part resource for other researchers and students of the anarchist and libertarian traditions. How will that all work? No. 1 will focus on Joshua King Ingalls, and will include a complete reprint of his Reminiscences of an Octogenarian in the Fields of Industrial and Social Reform, plus “The Exodus of Labor,” some additional writings by and about him, information on his patents, and a working chronology/bibliography. I hope, essentially, to publish the sum of my research to date in one big DIY package. Then to that, I’ll add some theoretical musings, updates and documents from the William B. Greene research, a resumption of my series “The FAQs” (from these pages), and, in most instances, some sound recordings related to the tradition.

Projected main topics for 2007 are:

J. K. Ingalls
King Camp Gillette
Stephen Pearl Andrews
Ezra Heywood
Moses Harmon
Samuel Milton “Golden Rule” Jones
George Phelps (aka Patrick Quinn Tangent)
Nathaniel Greene / Mary Gardiner Greene
John William Lloyd
William B. Greene
Bolton Hall
Paul Brown

In a few cases, the material will be largely unknown, like the Stephen Pearl Andrews book I found tucked away in serial form in The Index. I’ll be doing a bit more in the way of contextualizing material than I do for the blog. In some cases, I’ll be doing a lot more. And I’ll be publishing a lots of outlines and “miscellanies,” with the hope that others can pick up some of the threads that I know I won’t be able to follow completely on my own.

I’ll have more news on prices, ordering, eventual pdf publishing, etc. soon.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2708 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.

1 Comment

  1. That’s great Shawn!
    I’ve been looking for a copy of Ingalls’ Reminiscences of an Octogenarian in the Fields of Industrial and Social Reform for more years than I can count. This is a very exciting endeavor, and I wish you the best on it.
    Just Ken

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