An embarrassment of riches, redux

This the sort of problem we should have—so much new, interesting anarchist material coming out of the archives that it’s nearly impossible to keep track of it all. I’ve been trying to work through roughly a roll of microfilmed periodicals each day this past couple of weeks, and I can’t think when I have been so pleasantly overwhelmed. Specifically, with regard to the J. K. Ingalls volume, I’m running a little behind, largely because of some difficulties with interlibrary loan, but I will be able to add a series on “Women’s Industrial Subjection,” from the Woman’s Tribune and a debate with Hugo Bilgram from Twentieth Century. In the meantime, material by Alfred Westrup, William Henry Van Ornum, Calvin Blanchard, Lewis Maquerier, Voltairine De Cleyre, W. C. Owen, Josiah Warren (etc., etc.) is piling up. When I reach the 1890s over on Travelling in Liberty, I’ll be able to supplement the material from Liberty with related debates from the Twentieth Century. Check back regularly.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2714 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.